Closing down this Blogsite! Follow us to the New!!

- From Editors/ 21 October 2013


We have decided to close down this site as we shift ourselves to the new website:

This blogsite, 'the new wave' was floated in our formative years, when we were just a political tendency. Now that we have formed our political party- Workers' Socialist Party- around a definite political program, so it is decided to act onwards through new blogsite  "Worker Socialist", that commensurates with the banner and program of the Party.

'Worker Socialist' distinguishes itself from other socialist currents, from utopian to degenerated stalinism, in that the 'worker socialist' bases itself upon the essential lessons of Great October revolution and takes centrality of the working class as its point of departure in determining its political program...

The new blogsite, would be the central organ of the Workers' Socialist Party, that in turn pledges to be the platform of the international working class and its bugle for the battlecry: "world socialist revolution"....

'Worker Socialist'

रिपोर्ट: वर्कर्स सोशलिस्ट पार्टी का अम्बाला सम्मेलन

- अम्बाला / १५ अगस्त २०१३
१५ अगस्त २०१३ को अम्बाला में आयोजित वर्कर्स सोशलिस्ट पार्टी की कांफ्रेंस में मजदूरों और पार्टी कार्यकर्ताओं ने हिस्सा लिया. दो दिन से लगातार हो रही बारिश के चलते भी जिस उत्साह के साथ मजदूरों और कार्यकर्ताओं ने कांफ्रेंस में शिरकत की, वह इस बात का स्पष्ट प्रमाण थी कि, अर्थवादियों और स्तालिनवादियों के लाख दुष्प्रचार के बावजूद, अपनी पार्टी के नेतृत्व में राजनीतिक संघर्ष के जरिये पूँजी के शासन का अंत करने की, मजदूर वर्ग की इच्छा, न सिर्फ मौजूद है बल्कि अत्यंत शक्तिशाली है.

Leon Trotsky: What is Proletarian Culture and Is It Possible?

-Leon Trotsky/ 1923
Trotsky dismisses in advance all false idealism about "proletarian culture" and "cultural revolution" trumpeted so zealously later, by Mao and his disciples. Trotsky rejects the whole idea of proletarian culture and shows how the culture and art, like science and technology, would be de-classed with global victory of socialism. Maoists have befooled themselves and the generations of youth behind them with farcical slogans of cultural revolution, that in fact were nothing but apology for resting in peace with world bourgeoisie outside. Here we reproduce the whole text of the article by Trotsky, written in 1923.....

अक्टूबर क्रांति की शिक्षाओं के स्तालिनवादी विकृतिकरण के प्रयासों के विरुद्ध प्रतिवाद

वर्कर्स सोशलिस्ट पार्टी / १३ जून २०१३

यह लेख, ‘शहीद भगत सिंह दिशा मंच’ की ओर से, उसके स्वयंभू स्तालिनवादी नेता श्यामसुंदर द्वारा प्रकाशित दो लेखों, ‘कलायत बहस जारी रहे’ (२८.०९.२०१२) और ‘कलायत बहस के निष्कर्ष में’ (१८.१०.२०१२), में क्रान्तिकारी मार्क्सवाद और अक्टूबर क्रांति की शिक्षाओं को विकृत करने के प्रयासों के विरुद्ध निर्देशित है. ये दोनों लेख श्यामजी ने एक अन्य स्तालिनवादी ग्रुप ‘प्रेक्सिस कलेक्टिव’ के साथ बहस में लिखे थे.
हमने बहस में दखल दिया, चूंकि इन दोनों ग्रुपों ने, एक दूसरे के विरुद्ध इस बहस में न सिर्फ अक्टूबर क्रांति और उसके महान नेताओं, लेनिन और ट्रोट्स्की, की शिक्षाओं को धुंधला, बल्कि कलंकित किया है. एक-दूसरे के ख़िलाफ़ निंदनीय शब्दावली के प्रयोग के अलावा, इन्होने मनमाने ढंग से, बिना पढ़े-समझे ही अपने पूर्वाग्रहों को इन नेताओं पर मढ़ने का कुत्सित प्रयास किया है.
इस बहस में दखल देते हुए, हमने पहले ही, प्रेक्सिस-कलेक्टिव के खोखले प्रस्ताव को, जिसे उसने ‘नई समाजवादी क्रांति’ कहना शुरू किया है, छह लेखों की श्रृंखला में खंडित कर दिया है, जो हमारी वेबसाइट के इस लिंक पर देखे जा सकते हैं:
प्रस्तुत लेख में हम श्यामजी द्वारा, मार्क्सवाद और सर्वहारा क्रांति के विषय में उनसे पहले भी हजारों बार दोहराए गए स्तालिनवादी झूठ की ऐतिहासिक-राजनीतिक आधारहीनता को अनावृत करेंगे और अक्टूबर क्रांति की सही यांत्रिकी को समझने की कोशिश करेंगे.

वर्कर्स सोशलिस्ट पार्टी का आह्वान

कॉर्पोरेट और पूंजीपतियों की हिमायती, कांग्रेस की हुड्डा सरकार को, हरियाणा से निकाल बाहर करो !
मजदूर किसानों की सरकार बनाने के लिए एकजुट हों !! _________________________________________

हले मारुति के १४७ मजदूरों की गिरफ़्तारी और उन पर झूठे मुकदमे और फिर विरोध आन्दोलन पर किये गए बर्बर पुलिस दमन, लाठीचार्ज और गिरफ्तारियों ने यह साफ़-साफ़ दिखा दिया है कि हरियाणा में कांग्रेस की हुड्डा सरकार, अमीरों-संभ्रांतों और कॉर्पोरेटों के हाथ की कठपुतली है और गरीबों मेहनतकशों की दुश्मन। इसके मंत्री और अफ़सर इन्ही अमीरों के चाकर हैं और उन्ही की सेवा करते हैं। पूंजीपति और कार्पोरेट मजदूरों का शोषण करते हैं और सरकार उनका दमन। कार्पोरेट मजदूरों के श्रम को लूटते हैं और सरकार-पुलिस-अदालतें उसके हाथ बांध देती हैं, जिससे वह प्रतिकार न कर सके।

मारुति के मजदूरों ने कार्पोरेट और सरकार की इस एकजुट ताकत का जमकर मुकाबला किया है। पुलिस-दमन और फर्जी मुकदमों के सामने मजदूरों ने घुटने टेकने से इंकार किया है और पूरे साहस के साथ इस वर्ग युद्ध को आगे बढ़ाया है।

वर्कर्स सोशलिस्ट पार्टी, हरियाणा के मानेसर में मारुति-सुजुकी के मजदूरों द्वारा कार्पोरेट शोषण और सरकारी दमन के खिलाफ चलाये जा रहे दोहरे संघर्ष का स्वागत और समर्थन करती है।

Against the Schema of 'Democratic Dictatorship'

-Workers' Socialist Party/ 13.4.2013

This article, being published on the 96th Anniversary of the “April Thesis”, is the last one in the series of six articles, that is published by WSP against the documents presented by a splinter of old CLI, a Stalinist-Maoist group under the name of ‘Praxis Collective’. ‘Praxis Collective’ is one, among the innumerable banners, e.g. ‘Ahwan’, ‘Disha Chhatra Sangathan’, ‘Rahul Foundation’, ‘Kamla Trust’ ‘Arvind Trust’ etc. etc. that are raised by this formless and opportunist splinter group, headed by Shashi Prakash and Abhinav. In earlier five articles, we have already exposed the fallacy of the counter-revolutionary politics preached by this group and its completely farcical slogan of “New Socialist Revolution”. Here we expose their views, false to the core, on the issue of “democratic Dictatorship”.

Revisiting the Politics of Moreno-ists

-Rajesh Tyagi/ 21.2.2013

As Morenoists (LIT-CI/ IWL) presented critique of our Kashmir stance, we quickly published refutation to it. (See: However this critique of theirs, which in our view emerged from a nationalist-centrist standpoint made us curious to trace the origins of Morenoism, which really require more focus in order to educate the workers and youth as to the roots and role of centrists.

We found that their stance on Kashmir, favouring the sections of Kashmiri bourgeois and opposing the independent mobilisation of the working class, is not an isolated and episodic deviation, but emerges out of their entire political trajectory, that they had followed in the foot-steps of national bourgeois in Argentina, Brazil and elsewhere in Latin America.

Their critique of our stance on Kashmir is in line with their general politics from Argentina to Bosnia, the politics that tails behind the mass consciousness and thus remains oriented to petty-bourgeois which constitutes this mass, specially in backward countries.

Stalinists Hail Verma Committee Report; Perpetuate Illusions in Bourgeois Hypocrisy

- Rajesh Tyagi/ 8.2.2013

Brutal gang-rape of the para-medic student in New Delhi on December 16, was yet another link in the chain of innumerable crimes, that have become central to the political life in all countries of the world, under rule of capitalists. Massive resistance that came in the aftermath of the gang-rape, was marked by huge protests against the bourgeois rule. These protests had given a jolt to the bourgeois elite, its parties and state, forcing them to wake up from slumber.
Terrified at the strength of the protests, but having no real means at its disposal to put the monster of crime back in the bottle, the elite government first ordered a police crackdown through tear gas and lathi-charge upon the young protestors at India Gate, and then took to hypocrisy promising reforms. Immediately after suppressing the protests, the government constituted committees to suggest reforms in laws, police and courts.

WSP Answers the Queries of the Young Protestors

Our Correspondent/ 1.1.2013
WSP participated in the December Uprising in New Delhi from beginning to the end. The Uprising was triggered by gang-rape of a 23 year old student of physiotherapy in a moving bus in New Delhi during early night hours on 16 December. But beneath the immediate cause was hidden a whole series of innumerable crimes and unlimited violence under which the working and toiling people had been reeling for long.
During the protests, as WSP, remained with the young protestors, it faced queries that came up during the course of discussions with the protestors about its slogans, its program, its aims and prospects of the revolution etc. WSP answered and clarified these issues among the youth, bulk of which hailed from working and toiling classes. Hereunder we are reproducing the questions that were raised by young protestors, and the answers given to them by the WSP:

WSP Calls Upon the Youth and Workers to Intensify the Anti-Govt Protests!

Our Correspondent/ 30.12.2012
WSP continues to protest on Jantar Mantar. On December 29 & 30, its activists carried out intensive campaign to convince the protestors about the elite class character of the capitalist democracy, and that the hope for justice or security from this pro-rich government, is an illusion. WSP opposed the idea being promoted by pro-rich factions, leaders and parties to make laws more stringent. WSP clarified that any re-inforcement of the police or the laws in its hands would be used to pulverise poor, while resourceful and influential would continue to dodge all laws and escape it, as before. WSP called upon to intensify the protests against the criminal rule of billionaires, the fountainhead of all crimes, corruption and lumpenism.
Following was the leaflet, distributed by the WSP at the Protest site at Jantar Mantar:

The Lessons of December Uprising and Our Tasks

- Rajesh Tyagi/ 27 December 2012

The burning flames of the great December Uprising in New Delhi, have been put down by the iron hand of police repression, leaving dozens injured and one dead. The uprising has however left its imprint upon the young men and women in the country, which elite rulers will never be able to wipe off their memory.

Till this November, every one of us was used to hear the popular myth that India is not made for revolution, or nothing can ever happen in India, or it would go like this only in the country and that it would never change. The mass upsurge of December has shattered this misbelief, completely and forever.

Our generation, which never saw a revolution with its own eyes, witnessed it, could touch and feel a real revolution at the very doors of Raisina Hills, the abode of President of India. Till the government could even come to its senses, the birth pangs of a real revolution had already started at India Gate.
For the whole week, there was real democracy on the streets of the city. Youth and workers captured the India Gate- the centre of capital; huge contingents of heavily armed riot police lodged inside the President’s house looking at the protest in surprise, Police hunting for criminals on roads and criminals bolted inside their homes and the crime graph in the city of rapists and criminals dipping to unbelievable low.
Police barricades separated the old from the new. On one side of the barricades, stood the armed machine of the old state with all its might, defending the capitalist democracy in danger; on the other, stood the unarmed youth, representing a new India, shouting slogans against the old power, cursing and teasing it. While the old, frightened and conspiring to suppress the 'rising', and trembling at the idea of its overthrow, hid itself behind the cordons of riot police, the young men and women, mostly in their teens, stood adamant on the other side of the barricades, unfurling the banner of rebellion, with all courage and vigour of their youth.

WSP Joins Anti-Government Protest at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi

Our Correspondent/ 25.12.2012
WSP joined the anti-government protests at Jantar Mantar, at 12 p.m. today on Tuesday, 25 December. WSP activists addressed the huge gathering of youth and workers there. The party clarified that crime and corruption are integral to the rule of capitalists, and that a government of working and toiling people is the only solution. The Party proposed immediate disbanding of the brute and corrupt police, and organisation of youth militias as the only viable solution to the rising graph of crime. Party condemned the savage violence that police had unleashed upon the protestors at India Gate on Sunday and termed it as pre-planned attack of the police to break the civil resistance. Party speaker told the gathering that capitalist rule cannot give secure and decent life to the people, and socialism is the only way out of capitalist anarchy. Proposals of the Party were applauded by the youth and workers. Following leaflet was circulated by WSP, during the protest: 

WSP protests in Front of Rashtrapati Bhawan against Rising Crime Graph

WSP Correspondent/ 22.12.2012
Workers' Socialist Party, issued call for protests against the misrule of the rich elites and its complete immersion into crime and corruption. As protestors gathered at Jantar Mantar and started marching towards Rashtrapati Bhawan at Raiseena Hills, police stopped them and did not permit to take out the march. As protestors reached Rashtrapati Bhawan, they met with huge crowds there. WSP cadres shouted slogans against rule of capitalists and spoke to the crowds. WSP proposed immeidate disbanding of the corrupt police against elite bureaucracy, universal arming of the people and their organisation into peoples' militias. WSP circulated its leaflet among the protestors:

WSP Statement on Gang-Rape in Delhi: Intensify the Protests, Occupy Delhi!!

-Workers’ Socialist Party/ 20.12.2012

Society as a whole remains shocked at the savage gang rape of a 23 year old para-medic girl and the brute violence upon her and her male companion, by six men in a moving bus in New Delhi, national capital of India.
The outrageous incident has shaken the conscience of the nation. Civilised forces are up in arms and protest demonstrations are going all over the country.
Rapes and brutal crimes against women however are routine affair in the country. Despite all rhetoric of the governments and leaders of capitalist parties, these crimes had been on sharp rise in last years, both in their magnitude and brutality. Core aspect of this crime is that only the women from working and toiling classes are victim of these assaults.

WSP Proposes the Pro-Poor, Class Based New Reservation Policy and Calls for Mass Opposition to the Existing Pro-Rich, Caste Based Policy

WSP/ 17 December 2012

Condemning the much trumpeted, pro-rich reservation policy of the  elite’s Government, that has permitted the rich and elites to gobble all benefits of reservation for themselves depriving the poor mass, the WSP proposes the “New Reservation Policy”, oriented towards the poor mass of workers and toilers.
The conservative and pro-rich reservation policy of the Indian elite rulers, remains enmeshed into the tangles of ‘caste’, which in turn has become more and more fragmented since 1947, between hostile social classes of handful of the rich and mass of the poor. This policy has assisted in filling coffers of elite creamy layers, that have successfully cornered all benefits of ‘reservation’ since 1950s, leaving the poor mass of working and toiling people in the lurch. With this gobbling of all fruits of the doomed policy by rich elites, its whole edifice is reduced to sheer absurdity.

On the Slogan of 'New Socialist Revolution'

- Workers’ Socialist Party/ 14.12.2012

Here is the fifth article in the series. 'praxis collective' a stalinist-maoist organisation in India, an outfit of RCLI, has offered platform of 'new socialist revolution'. We present its critique hereunder, exposing the bogus and confused perspectives of these epigones of Leninism: 

for earlier four parts click here:
Part Five
To start with, to demonstrate the fallacy of Stalinism-Maoism, on the question of democratic revolutions in its full splendour we reproduce a para, from the second paper of Oct 1, 2012, of ‘praxis collective’.

The Road to Revolution in India

-Workers’ Socialist Party/ 11.12.2012

Hereunder is the fourth article in the series that is being published by the WSP in response to the two papers issued by the Stalinist Maoist group 'praxis collective' led by Shashi Prakash of RCLI. In their papers, this group has presented absolutely wrong ideas on lessons of Russian Revolution and prospects and history of revolution in India.  For earlier three articles, click here:

From February to October!

- Workers Socialist Party/ 10.12.2012

This is the third write-up in the series of articles by WSP, directed against Stalinist-Maoist 'praxis collective', which has presented two papers which contain bogus analysis of revolutionary experience in the last century and has mischievously attempted mud-slinging upon the great leader of the International proletariat, Leon Trotsky. For part one and two, click here:

In earlier two parts we demonstrated how ‘praxis collective’ imposes, dishonestly and falsely, it’s own home-grown assertions upon Trotsky, in order to carve out an imaginative conflict between the position of Trotsky and Lenin and in doing this treachery how they totally conceal the positions of Mensheviks, the same positions from which they are criticising Trotsky.

A Response to 'Praxis Collective'

- Workers Socialist Party/ 10.12.2012
Hereunder is Part-II of the series of articles against attempts of Stalinist-Maoist 'praxis collective' to distort the lessons of Russian Revolution and defame its great leader Leon Trotsky by accusing him of the things which he never stood for. For the Part-I, kindly see:
Stalinists-Maoists and the Schema of ‘Stage-ism’
In Part-I, we have shown how Stalinists-Maoists at ‘praxis collective’ have made a fetish out of the course of old European bourgeois-democratic revolutions of 17th-18th century, where bourgeois could legitimately come to power as leader of the national revolutions in different countries, in absence of a real and politically organised proletariat. In this limited historic sense, it was opportunity for the bourgeois to take power in those advanced countries, which had entered upon capitalist stage before others. Doubtlessly, the bourgeois of these countries has played a limited revolutionary role in history, till the industrial proletariat was born and organised itself. 

Smash the Falsehood of Stalinists-Maoists !!

- Workers' Socialist Party/ 9 December 2012
“Praxis Collective” and “Shaheed Bhagat Singh Disha Manch” two rabidly Stalinist-Maoist organisations in India, had recently locked horns with each other in an argument which encompasses issues from character of Russian revolution to assumption of power by capitalists landlords in 1947 in India.

Maruti Struggle: Once Again Trade Unions Sow Illusions and Force Workers to Bend Before Pro-Corporate Government and its Ministers

- WSP/ 15 November 2012

Just four days after the Trade Unions under Stalinists, Maoists and Centrists, had led the struggling workers of Maruti to beg before the local MLA of Gurgaon, and sports Minister in Haryana Government, Sukhbir Kataria, “seeking resolution to the issues between the sacked workers and management of MSIL”, these trade unions have once again forced the workers to appeal to the Industries Minister, Randip Singh Surjewala, with folded hands, in a march to his residence at Kaithal, Haryana.

Struggle in Maruti-Suzuki at Manesar and the WSP

-Rajesh Tyagi/ 11.11.2012
Two day protest dharna on 7-8 November, organised by the 546 dismissed workers of Maruti-Suzuki at Manesar, under the banner of now defunct trade union, Maruti Suzuki Workers’ Union (MSWU), failed to make any dent, as the pro-corporate media ignored it and its Centrist-Stalinist leaders isolated the action, consciously. 

Workers' Socialist Party Declares its Founding and Unveils its Program

Our Correspondent/ 7.11.2012
Today, on 95th anniversary of the October Revolution, the Workers’ Socialist Party (WSP), made public declaration of its founding at Press Club of India, New Delhi.

Apart from party activists, the conference was well attended by representatives of different political groups and media persons.
The WSP is a section of the movement of ‘Fourth International’ established by Leon Trotsky in 1939, in the aftermath of degeneration of the Third International (Comintern), consequent to the betrayals of Stalinists.

Attend the Public Declaration and Press Conference of the "Workers' Socialist Party"

7th November 2012 (Wednesday) at 12 pm
Press Club of India
1, Raiseena Road, New Delhi
(Nearest Metro Station: Central Secretariat)

Marikana Massacre Completely Exposes the Pseudo-Left, both Social Democracy and Stalinism

- Rajesh Tyagi/ 24 August 2012

August 16 police massacre in the platinum mines owned by MNC Lonmin, left 34 mine workers dead in a hail of bullets and another 78 wounded.
Contingents of police backed by helicopters and armored vehicles used tear gas, water cannon and stun grenades against the strikers, driving one column into a waiting phalanx of cops, armed with automatic weapons and live ammunition, killing and wounding dozens of miners. Sustained and random gunfire continued even after scores of the strikers fell dead and wounded.
Officials have placed the death toll in the barbaric police slaughter at 34, but other sources have suggested that the real number could be closer to 50. Scores more were wounded, some of them critically, in the barrage of automatic weapons fire unleashed against miners carrying machetes and sticks. Not satisfied with this, police has arrested 259 miners while families continue to search for missing at hospitals, morgues and police stations.
The massacre has laid bare the irreconcilable conflict between the working class on the one hand and the ruling African National Congress (ANC), the Stalinist Communist Party and the trade unions allied to them, on the other.

Press Statement: Struggle in Maruti-Suzuki at Manesar

the new wave/ 22 July 2012

The clash that took place at Maruti Suzuki’s Manesar plant on Wednesday, 18 July, is the direct offshoot of inhuman working conditions to which workers at the plant specially and the working class as a whole is being subjected to in India.

Workers at Manesar plant had been fighting for years together for realisation of most fundamental rights- e.g. to get their trade union recognised. However, the management has applied all possible unfair means to defeat the legitimate struggle of the workers through direct collusion with state authorities, police repression, bribing trade union leaders and employing bouncers to break the resistance of workers through brutal violence.

Stalinist CPM Faces Revolt in its Ranks as it Backs Congress Candidate for President’s Office

-Rajesh Tyagi/ 12 July 2012 

CPI (M) the core Stalinist Party in India, recently declared its support for the candidate of ruling Congress (I), Pranab Mukherjee. Pranab Mukherjee was the sitting Union Minister for Finance in the central cabinet and has been supervising the pro-investor regime set up by the coalition government of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) led by the Congress party.

The dubious support was declared by the CPM, despite a clear resolution in its recent Kozhikode Congress recognising capitalist landlord character of Congress, its role in perpetuating neo-liberal policies and a declaration to oppose it.

20th Party Congress of Stalinist CPM, leans further on the Right

-Rajesh Tyagi/ 21 April 2012

CPM, the main Stalinist party in India, held its six day long 20th Congress in Kozhikode coastal city in south western state of Kerala, from 4-9 April 2012. Party Congress was held in the backdrop of a political crisis that had recently precipitated in fall of the “left front” government in West Bengal, led by it.

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Takes-off Amidst Police Repression of the Protests

-Rajesh Tyagi/ 4 April 2012

Relying on police power, the authorities ordered the Indo-Russian joint venture at Kudankulam nuclear plant to take off on March 20. Kudankulam is situated in Tirunelveli district of the Indian State of Tamil Nadu, 650 kms from its capital Madras.

The Anti-Outsourcing Bill: Obamic Mercantilism

By Chhaya and Sagun/ 3.1.2012

Back to River Rouge?
“Outsourcing is a Scourge"

Whilst the world economy teeters on the brink, positive US job figures appear illusory like the proverbial lull before the storm, especially so because of the lid on government spending. A band of 16 million out of permanent full-time jobs is certainly not a treat to the agile eyes peeping through the White House, that too in politically delicate times. It was essential that some dextrous drills were demonstrated to step up offensive against the job-exporters (outsourcers).